Discover best crops to plant
Get a list of 400+ annual crops and their fit with the soil and weather conditions of your parcel.

Instant Results
No additional equipment no prior investment nor setup is required. The only thing to do is to locate and draw your parcels!
Agrisim aims to bring better insights to all over the world. Our flexible pricing keep Agrisim affordable for everyone.
Wherever You Are
Agrisim is globally available, wherever you are in the world. You can access on any computer or smart phone.
Farmers Using Agrisim
See an Average
Income Increase of 30%

We are using Agrisim to improve the livelihood of our farmers as well as sustainability in the region. Thanks to Agrisim each farmer can choose the best crop mix for their conditions. They are producing better and getting higher income.
Weather Data for 20+ Years
We use for every parcel in the system more than 20 years of weather data to simulate the potential growth of each crop.
Soil Characteristics
Soil texture, acidity and more are evaluated to see the limitations they bring to the growth of each crop.
400+ Crops Production Potential
More than 400 annual crops are simulated to see the expected growth and yield with each parcel conditions.
Irrigation Evaluation
Production potential is given separately for rain-fed and irrigated cultivation. It is easier to see the benefit of irrigation
Production Potential per Month
Production potential is calculated for each month of the year. You can easily see the ideal planting season for each crop.
Potential Income
Potential income is calculated based on the expected yield and the prices for each crop.